Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ICE Cream Day (23rd July, 2011)

ICE Cream Day
Little darlings happily celebrated most tastiest & the coldest Chinese invention.

Chess Day (20th July, 2011)

Chess Day
All the chaturs showed their talent in the chaturanga board.

Disney Land Opens Day (17th July, 2011)

Disney Land Opens Day
Children Happily made beautiful cartoon characters & displayed in all display boards.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Van Mahotsava (13th July, 2011)

Van Mahotsava
Make them aware of trees & their values and their necessity in our lives.

National French Fries Day (13th July, 2011)

National French Fries Day

Students brought french fries in tiffin and happily shared with their friends.

Paper Bag Day (10th July, 2011)

Paper Bag Day
Students prepared beautiful paper bags & nicely decorated it.

Teddy Bear Day (10th July, 2011)

Teddy Bear Day
The little wonders love to see their favorite soft toys & eagerly listened about its story.

Bus Day Celebration (4th July, 2011)

Bus Day Celebration (4th July, 2011)
Teachers performed a small skit to make them understand the rules and regulations of traveling in the bus.

Mothers Day (27th April, 2011)

Mothers Day
The little wonders celebrated happily their most nearest & dearest person's day. Person who is more than god for them.

World Health & Earth Day (13th April, 2011)

Educate them about 'Health is Wealth' & 'Save Earth, Save Life!'

Solo Singing Competition

Solo Singing Competition
Little Ustads of Class 6th to 8th sang melodious songs.

Collage Work (6th April, 2011)

Collage Work
Class 3rd to 5th students made attractive collage on different topics.

Finger Puppet Day (6th April, 2011)

Finger Puppet Day
Little Masters of class 1 and 2 enjoyed making colorful puppets on their fingers.